to Quelyn
When I hang out
With someone I love,
I find myself
A bit of who she is.
I find I notice
And want to chase
I want to howl
At sirens.
I notice scents.
I already notice scents
As I deal with
Disabling fatigue
As the result of
Petro chemically based scent.
Would my struggles with those
Who choose to wear scent
Be more easily resolved
If I bowed slightly
And started,
Inviting being chased
Or chasing?
Or if I sniffed their rear
While letting them sniff mine?
Would they understand
If I growled?
When I encounter
Someone, who is safe,
Someone, who is scent free,
Would my vestigial tail
Would we mouth
Each other’s bodies
And roll over
And under one another?
Have I...
Will I
Catcht her joy?
I hope I am